Town of Forest Ordinances & Resolutions
- 01-2009 All Terrain Vehicle Routes
- 0194 Recycling Ordinance
- Dogs Running at Large
- 98-01 Fire Call Reimbursement
- 97-02 Government Ordinance to Cope with National Emergencies
- 03-02 Minimum Required Road Construction Standards
- 2-2007 Public Nuisance Ordinance
- 2011-3 Wind Energy System Licensing Ordinance
- Resolultion No. 5 Disallowance of Claim of Emerging Energies LLC.& Highland Wind Farms LLC.
- 7.32*Resolution Changing Number of Election Officials
- 2012-2 Special or Seasonal Weight Limits Ordinance
- Draft Municipal Emergency Operations Plan
- 2013-4 Town of Forest Zoning Ordinance
- Town of Forest Zoning Map
- Resolution No. 2013- Recommending the Town of Forest Amended Comprehensive Plan 2013-2033
- 2013-6 Amended Comprehensive Plan Ordinance
- Resolution on Noise Monitoring System rev_Final
- 2013-5 Driveway Permit Road Damage Deposit Ordinance
- Resolution 2013-8, Fees for Driveway Permit and Road Damage Deposit Ordinance
- Plan Comm Ord 01-02
- Plan Comm Ord Amended 11-2
- Plan Comm Ord Amended 14-1
- Resolution 2015-1, Line of Credit Increase
- Town Admin. Fees Zoning Ord., Resolution 2013-5
- 2016 Subdivision Ordinance
- 2017-1 NonMetallic Mine Operators License Ordinance
- 2017-2 Citation Ordinance
- 2019-1 Resolution Town of Forest Administrative Fees
- 2019-2 Amendment to Zone Ord. 2013-4 regarding Home Occupation
- 2020-1 Construction and Inspection Ordinance
- 2021-1 Resolution Approval of 2.3% Fixed 20 Year Ammortization, 10 Year Term Bremer Bank
- 2022-1 Resolution 18 Month Moratorium against Transportation, Construction, or Use of Battery Energy System (BESS)
- 2022-1 Ordinance Battery Energy Storage System Moratorium2022-2
- 2022-2 Resolution Town Ball Field Sale
- Resolution 2024-5
- Resolution 2024-6