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Wisconsin DNR Well Compensation Grant Program

The Wisconsin DNR has a Well Compensation Grant Program for private water supplies that serve a residence or provide water to livestock.

Below is the link to the DNR site as well as information from the site. If you go to the site there are several other links that are helpful.

Well Compensation Grant Program
The well compensation grant program provides funding to eligible landowners or renters to replace, reconstruct or treat contaminated private water supplies that serve a residence or provide water to livestock. To be eligible, family income may not exceed $65,000 for the prior calendar year.
Who can apply
What is eligible
How to apply
Special funding

Who can apply
Before you start the application process, determine if you are eligible to apply for a well compensation grant. Work completed before submitting an application and receiving DNR approval will not be reimbursed.
Step 1: Landowner or renter determines if your income is eligible
Family income may not exceed $65,000 for the prior calendar year.
oLearn how to find your Wisconsin income on your Wisconsin Income Tax Return.
Step 2: Who can apply for a grant
Spouse of landowner
Dependent of landowner
Heir of landowner
Assignee or legal representative of landowner
Renter of land
Shared well owner of a private residential water supply
Local governments, school districts and state or federal agencies cannot apply.
Step 3: Landowner or renter determines if contamination is eligible
To determine if your well is contaminated, have samples of your well water tested by a certified laboratory. To be eligible for a well compensation grant the private water supply must be considered contaminated based on one of the following criteria.
1.Chemical contamination
oDNR or Department of Health has issued landowner or renter of private water supply advisory letter; and/or
othe same water supply has been tested twice (at least two weeks apart) and the results exceed the state or federal water standard for contaminants.
Examples of chemical contaminants include: metals, pesticides, volatile organic chemicals contained in products such as industrial solvents, degreasers, paint, gasoline and fuel oil. Bacteria and nitrate contaminants are excluded.
2.Arsenic contamination
oPrivate water supply has been tested and arsenic concentration at or exceeding 50 ug/l (parts per billion) has been found.
3.Nitrate contamination
oPrivate water supply has been tested and nitrates concentration at or exceeding 40 parts per million expressed as nitrate-nitrogen has been found.
oThese cases are grant-eligible only if a private water supply is used as a source of drinking portable water for both livestock and the residence. The residence must be used at least three months each year and while in use provide an estimated average of more than 100 gallons per day for consumption by livestock.
4.Bacterial contamination
oPrivate water supply has been tested and livestock fecal contamination has been found.
oPrivate water supply has been tested and found to have livestock fecal bacteria and is located in a DNR-declared area of special well compensation.
oIf you still have questions regarding contamination after having your well water tested by a certified laboratory, contact a DNR Private Water Supply specialist.
What is eligible
What items are grant eligible
The following items are eligible for reimbursement under the well compensation grant.

Eligible items
Water tests that determine if the well is contaminated
Reconstruction of a contaminated well
Construction of a new well
Connecting to an existing private or public water supply
Installation of a new pump, including the associated piping for a replaced well
Proper abandonment of a contaminated well
Equipment for water treatment (if no other option is feasible)
Providing a temporary bottled or trucked water supply
Ineligible items
Costs for any work done before a claim is filed and award approved by the DNR
Wells serving commercial establishments
Private wells that do not meet the established contamination criteria
Dug wells

How to apply
DNR PDF forms
To download DNR forms, use Microsoft Internet Explorer. If this browser is unavailable, see:
PDF help.
If you are still having problems opening your form, please contact the well compensation grant manager.
If you meet the criteria to apply for a well compensation grant, the next step is to apply.
Step 1
Develop a project proposal and estimated costs to replace your contaminated water supply. If you need assistance consult a licensed well driller [PDF] or pump installer [PDF].
Step 2
Fill out the Well Compensation Program Claim (Form 8700-174) [PDF] application.
NOTE: If your current income changed significantly from what was reported on your last years income tax report, due to job loss or retirement, complete and submit one of the following documents with your application.
Affidavit of Income Exempt Filing [PDF]
Affidavit of Income Reduction [PDF]
Affidavit of Projected Income for Current Year [PDF]
Step 3
Mail completed well compensation program claim application to:
Private Well Grant Manager – CF/2
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707
Step 4
The DNR is only able to review complete applications.
Do not do any work until you receive a well compensation grant award approval letter from the DNR. Work completed before receiving the approval letter will not be reimbursed.

Once you have been awarded a well compensation grant from DNR, you may begin and complete work on your private water supply and request the reimbursement. You have one year from the date of the grant award document to complete the replacement of your water supply, abandon your old well (if applicable), and request payment on the grant.
Step 1
DNR will send you an award packet.
Award packet will contain:
oCopy of grant award
oCopy of Request for Payment (Form 8700-176) [PDF]
oW-9 Form [PDF exit DNR]
oFinancial hardship letter (only if eligible)
Step 2
Landowners or Renters enter into contract with a licensed well driller or licensed pump installer to complete the work that is specified in the grant agreement.
Give a copy of the grant award document to the licensed well professional before construction begins.
Step 3
Only licensed well driller or licensed pump installers may complete the work.
Well construction work must be done according to DNR specifications that are in the signed grant agreement. The contaminated well must be properly abandoned and filled before payment will be made.
Requirement: Notify your DNR Private Water Supply specialist at least 48 hours before the work starts by a licensed well driller or licensed pump installer.
Step 4
Landowner or renter completes and submits all required reimbursement forms to the DNR grant manager:
Complete Request for Payment (Form 8700-176) [PDF] (form also enclosed in your grant award packet or available on the web.)
Well Abandonment Report (Form 3300-005) [PDF] (provided by well driller)
Step 5
A DNR Private Water Supply specialist will visit the site and complete a field inspection to verify compliance.
Step 6
After all approvals are obtained, the DNR grant manager will process the final payment letter and the grant award check will be mailed to your licensed well driller or licensed pump installer. Landowner or renter must arrange to endorse check so well professional can be paid. If the owner or renter pays the bill in full and provides a paid invoice to DNR then the check can be sent directly to them.
1.Since you will enter into contract with well driller or licenses pump installer for their services, you are responsible to pay 100% of those costs. Learn more about costs.
2.If your family income is above $45,000, Wisconsin Statutes require that the amount of your reimbursement will be reduced. Learn more about reductions and see an example.
3.The grant amount you receive is considered taxable income by the IRS and must be reported as income by the DNR. Learn more about taxable income.

Special funding
Financial hardship funding
Eligibility for financial hardship funding is determined by the Well Compensation Program grant manager based on a copy of the claimants Wisconsin tax filing from the prior calendar year that is submitted with the grant application.
If you are eligible for financial hardship funding you will need to complete and submit one of the three affidavits found at how to apply.
You may qualify for financial hardship funding if:
your family income is well below $45,000 per year,
your current income changed significantly from what was reported on your last years income tax report, due to job loss or retirement.

Contact information
For grant application and reimbursement questions, contact:
Sara deBruijn
Grant Manager
Bureau of Community Financial Assistance
Last revised: Wednesday July 27 2016